Easter Bunny

Today is the last day of the Easter season, which may be why this bunny visited the garden. Tomorrow is Pentecost, and after that the Season after Pentecost that we call Ordinary Time or the Green, Growing Season.

The Suffragan Bishop of North Carolina, the Right Rev. Anne Hodges-Copple*, will visit the Chapel of the Cross on Pentecost. If you watch the service on Facebook (@cotcchapelhill), look for her special hat called a mitre. Does it look like a flame? Does it look like a tongue of fire? **

You can also tune in to watch our Bishop Sam Rodman and the Rev. Daniel Robayo read The Day When God Made Church: A Child’s First Book About Pentecost by Rebekah McLeod Hutto. The book will be read in both English and Spanish at 6:00 PM on Sunday (May 31) on the diocesan facebook page (@EpiscopalDioceseNC).

* A suffragan bishop assists the bishop in doing the work of the diocese. We describe the bishops as “Right” because they have “right special” jobs!

** The bishop’s hat is supposed to remind us of the flames of the Pentecost – the “tongues of fire” that appeared on the heads of the first disciples.

One thought on “Easter Bunny

  1. Boykin and Greg: You live in an enchanted place. Whatever you need, you can find in your garden. I’m both amazed and thankful.

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