
We started Holy Week on Sunday waving palms. Some were colored and cut from paper. Some were clipped from a Yucca plant. Some were blessed by a priest, then taken home to hang on a front door.

Now it’s Monday. If you’re using your “Holy Week at Home” box, we’re reading the story of Jesus in the temple (Mark 11:15-19). In the story, Jesus is angry because the the temple is being treated like a shopping mall instead of a place of prayer. Merchants are selling pigeons, haggling over goods, and cheating customers out of their money.

Woody Guthrie was an American songwriter and folk singer. You might know his song, “This Land is Your Land.” He also wrote songs about Jesus and social justice. This is one of them.

Jones came to borrow another book, and he kept social distance.
C. colored a palm on Sunday.
The G. Family decorated their door.
The L. family used Adam’s Needle Yucca plants in place of palms.
The priest’s family had real palms, which makes us all happy to see!

One thought on “Monday

  1. Yea Greg. Yea Jones. Yea Otto (or was that Sally?). You’ve done it again: made it possible for me to rise and shine (as my beloved grandmother always said of a morning). Thank you.

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